Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spreadsheet Reflection

I've used the spreadsheet on a computer several times; mostly with work. But I didn't know that we could create grafts and pie sheets out of the information that we put onto the sheet. There's specific formulas to use in a spreadsheet, and that still makes me feel uneasy to use the program. I've never been good with math, maybe that's why. I am used to having someone guide me right through the program, just as we did with the spreadsheet assignment. 

I found it a little disturbing at how much time I used doing certain things within a day. I am not sure what the required sleep time is anymore, but I know that I am definitely not getting enough, but I guess that's the life of a student, right? I knew that I used way too much time watching TV. What can I say, there are shows that I just like to watch. And sometimes I become so lazy while watching TV that I continue to watch whatever is on. What a waste of a day! I think the only exception is if I am sick or something. Another thing I noticed was how much time I was doing homework. That could definitely be spent better too. So could my writing time, however as much as I enjoy that, homework has to come first.

I hope that I can keep this up, and learn how to use spreadsheets in a way that I would be the one showing other people how it works. I'm sure I will use it for my future class; maybe I can do the same kind of activity. It can really help people with managing their time.

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